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What is vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD®?

vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® is a targeted focal therapy for prostate cancer that destroys cancer without damaging the surrounding healthy tissue and with fewer side effects compared to radical therapy. Its mechanism of action relies on the effect of radicals on closing the vessels.

It first starts with the insertion of light into the cancer part of the prostate. Afterward, the TOOKAD® photosensitive substance is administered intravenously and radicals are released as soon as the light interacts with the TOOKAD substance. Those radicals cause the occlusion of the surrounding vessels leading to the death of prostate carcinoma cells.

Important criteria for vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD®

Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® is designated for the treatment of patients with localized prostate cancer with the following criteria:

  • Earl-stage localized prostate cancer (i.e. lesions restricted to a focal point or zone within the prostate)
  • Gleason Score not higher than 6 (i.e 3+3).
  • PSA value max. up to 10 ng/ml
  • A multiparametric MRI with less than 50% of positive cores is necessary for the treatment

The above indications consist of patients for whom NCCN guidelines (prevention, diagnosis, and management guidelines for cancer patients) propose active surveillance and marked them as:

  • Explicitly very low or low-risk prostate cancer diagnosed with biopsy technique
  • Promising intermediate risk of patients with prostate cancer diagnosed with mp-MRI targeted biopsy.

Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® is not recommended in patients with less than 10 years of life expectancy.

How is vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® performed?

The Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® for localized prostate cancer is an outpatient treatment method that takes about 2 hours.

The usual procedure consists of the following steps:

  1. The patient is positioned in the lithotomy position under general anesthesia.
  2. The surgeon detects the tumor zones with the help of the TOOGUIDE® software and prepares the Fiber insertion catheter (FIC) for insertion
  3. The FIC is positioned into the prostate transperineally through a transperineal prostate template using the TRUS scan system in accordance with the treatment guidelines provided by the TOOGUIDE® software
  4. The optical fibers that disperse light are connected and calibrated to a low-energy, non-thermal producer of laser light
  5. The calibrated optical fibers are then inserted into the FIC
  6. An ultrasound and a light-detecting probe which is located in the rectum of the patient verify the correct placement of the optical fibers.
  7. The TOOKAD®  drug is then administered intravenously as a 10-min single intravenous administration of 4 mg/kg TOOKAD® solution.
  8. The activation of the TOOKAD® Soluble is achieved by continuous illumination of the prostate gland through the optical fibers
  9. The drug activation leads to the occlusion of the blood vessels leading to necrosis or cell death of the selected tissues of prostate cancer.
  10. The patient is then transferred to a recovery room after removing the optical fibers, for a minimum of 6 hours to recover from anesthesia.

The advantage of vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD®

  • Localized prostate cancer patients have 2 suggested options: either active surveillance or immediately treating with radical therapy. Even though radical treatments are effective, they often damage genitourinary and bowel functions. On the other hand, active surveillance can only temporarily delay the need for radical therapy. The new alternative treatment like vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® targets cancer areas and preserves the surrounding healthy tissues as well as the quality of life.
  • It is an alternative treatment that can delay or escape radical therapy while conserving surrounding healthy tissue and organ function.
  • The therapy has a high efficacy rate compared to active surveillance and less morbidity compared to radical therapy.
  • In unfortunate cases where the tumor progresses after deficient treatment efficiency in the cancer zone or the appearance of a new tumor in the untreated part, radical therapy such as a definitive prostatectomy or radiation can still be an option.

Side effects of vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD®

The most common but extremely rare side effects of the selective vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® are as follows:

  • Urinary problems such as urinary retention or urinary incontinence
  • Sexual problems such as erectile dysfunction and ejaculation failure
  • Photosensitivity (skin redness and eye injury)
  • Possible side effects of general anesthesia

Cost of vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® in Germany

The cost for treatment of early-stage prostate cancer with Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® varies depending upon which hospital and the treating doctor. 
Vascular-targeted photodynamic therapy with TOOKAD® in specialized hospitals ranges between 8,000- 15,000 Euros. This amount covers the cost of the initial clinical and laboratory examination, the therapy itself, the follow-up examinations, and the elaboration of recommendations for future treatment.
